In the last few month my life and the life of my family has flipped upside down. We moved to Denver and into a home with our good friends. I started a master degree at Iliff theological Seminary and a job working with youth at St. Ambrose Episcopal church. Tessa is now the service manager of one of the largest banks in Littleton Colorado. She likes her job, but wishes she could spend some more time at home. Kami has started to work on crawling. I imagine that she will have it mastered soon.
I have finished my first class at Iliff. I took comparative world religions. The class was taught by a lapsed Buddhist. As you can imagine his take on Christianity was pointed, although it was refreshing as well. Our prof. asked us to take a look at Christianity as an outside hoping that by doing so we might ask questions that would help us to clarify our own faith. One of the questions I’m still struggling with is why Christianity has as a whole (large generalization I know) became so intolerant of other faiths while the eastern religions have been so open. I know we have the words of Jesus saying that there is no way to the father but through me. We have read this as Jesus saying that he is the only way to God. But might he have meant something else. Struggling with that one.
Any ways… It feels like I’m on the way to something. A feeling I have not had in some time. It feels good.