Monday, August 06, 2007

My Random Mind

May latest Class

"Can truth be taught?" my teacher asked as she entered the room. "Well of course not. Which is it's self a truth."

This was how my week of class started. The class over all was good. We talked about a lot of thing that I'm going to have to spend some time getting my mind around them. But the one thing that struck me and I hope will stay with me is that not knowing is the begging of knowing. The idea is that we as people of face or of the habit of knowing. We know right from wrong, good from bad. We are Christians thus we have it all figured out. If at any given time we admit we don't have it all together we are seen to be fake. Why is this? Only God knows. If we could say that we don't know. We don't know fully what God's will is. We don't know fully what is right. Then maybe we could start to learn. Not to come again to knowing but rather to journey in not knowing.

My Favorite Job

For the past few months I have been a stay at home dad. Who knew that I could love this so much. In Fact I truly would not mind making this my life. To be with my girl and in the future the other that will be my children. It's a great thing to be with ones baby.

Here is a picture to show you what I mean.

That will come in handy down the road. Did some one say black mail.