Sunday, December 16, 2007
My Attempt at Mouth Juggling
Mouth juggling is a tasked preformed when you have to hold both gum and another food particle in your mouth at the same time. The juggling comes into play when you start to chew. You have to use your tongue like a juggler uses his hands to keep the particles of food from coming into contact with your gum.
Not an easy task but with at little practice anyone can become efficient at it. Give it a try next time you take communion.
Friday, September 14, 2007
My Little Insight
Monday, August 06, 2007
My Random Mind
"Can truth be taught?" my teacher asked as she entered the room. "Well of course not. Which is it's self a truth."
This was how my week of class started. The class over all was good. We talked about a lot of thing that I'm going to have to spend some time getting my mind around them. But the one thing that struck me and I hope will stay with me is that not knowing is the begging of knowing. The idea is that we as people of face or of the habit of knowing. We know right from wrong, good from bad. We are Christians thus we have it all figured out. If at any given time we admit we don't have it all together we are seen to be fake. Why is this? Only God knows. If we could say that we don't know. We don't know fully what God's will is. We don't know fully what is right. Then maybe we could start to learn. Not to come again to knowing but rather to journey in not knowing.
My Favorite Job
For the past few months I have been a stay at home dad. Who knew that I could love this so much. In Fact I truly would not mind making this my life. To be with my girl and in the future the other that will be my children. It's a great thing to be with ones baby.
Here is a picture to show you what I mean.
That will come in handy down the road. Did some one say black mail.
Friday, July 27, 2007
My New Ride
Well it's happened once again. I have found room in my life for a new car. I know what some of you are thinking. It's about time. G needed a new car. He has had his last one for such a long time. I thank you for you concern.
It's a Black (as if it could be any other color) 2002 Land Rover Freelander. And it's awesome. Best car ever. Already the little girl (Kami not Tessa) and I have been on many off road endeavors. No I have not had all four wheels off the ground, but plan to at the a.s.a.p.
Now for all you haters out there... Shut the front door.
Friday, July 06, 2007
My new life
In the last few month my life and the life of my family has flipped upside down. We moved to Denver and into a home with our good friends. I started a master degree at Iliff theological Seminary and a job working with youth at St. Ambrose Episcopal church. Tessa is now the service manager of one of the largest banks in Littleton Colorado. She likes her job, but wishes she could spend some more time at home. Kami has started to work on crawling. I imagine that she will have it mastered soon.
I have finished my first class at Iliff. I took comparative world religions. The class was taught by a lapsed Buddhist. As you can imagine his take on Christianity was pointed, although it was refreshing as well. Our prof. asked us to take a look at Christianity as an outside hoping that by doing so we might ask questions that would help us to clarify our own faith. One of the questions I’m still struggling with is why Christianity has as a whole (large generalization I know) became so intolerant of other faiths while the eastern religions have been so open. I know we have the words of Jesus saying that there is no way to the father but through me. We have read this as Jesus saying that he is the only way to God. But might he have meant something else. Struggling with that one.
Any ways… It feels like I’m on the way to something. A feeling I have not had in some time. It feels good.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
My Hope for Story
The greatest mistake in religion in the modern era has been to confuse “the word of God” with human words or textual words in a book. If “the word was in the beginning,” then clearly the WORD is bigger than human words or textual words. It preceded all words by about 14 billion years!
The creation-centered mystic Meister Eckhart said in the 14th century that “every creature is a word of God and a book about God.” This carries us for beyond the overly anthropocentric idea that the Bible alone as the “word of God,” a modern notion that emerged because of our fascination with texts at the invention of the printing press.
Matthew Fox
I remember a time when theology was easy. The Bible was the word of God and it was the only divine source. If you had a question about life, morality, or the future the Bible could answer your question with absolute certainty. That’s not how I see the Bible anymore.
As I journeyed into a new paradigm, the Bible took on a whole new life with endless possibility. Rather then needing the Bible to be inerrant in order to be completely understood, this book became a lovely story. Story doesn’t have to be 100% accurate to be effective in transforming us. Story captivates us and as we get wrapped up in narrative, we learn to see each other and the world in new and better ways. At one point, the story means one thing to us then we read it again and it changes. Story cannot be held down to mean one thing. It lives and breathes.
When we see Bible as story that means we add pages to it as we live. I believe that we (all of Mankind) are the people of God. We need to see what is happening in our lives as relevant to theology as the Bible itself. In a way, you might say that our time is the newest testament.
One of the stories contained in the Bible tells the reader about the amazing capacity of humankind to make God into something He is not. The story starts with Abraham; God becomes the God of covenant; then to Egypt, and God becomes known for exodus; from there to Moses and God is explained as Law; on to the kings where God is known as Ruler; jumping from there to Jesus-God is known as Emanuel. Might one point of this story be that God is constantly breaking out of the molds that He is put in, but not the only point?
Oh that we might be open to story.
P.S. Matthew Fox is an Episcopal Priest, not the star of Lost.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The Color Black
Black is the color associated with hardship and pain. It’s in the time of blackness that life comes into clarity. The darkness forces self-examination. In the black, there is only the truth begging to be dealt with. In the dark people become real.
Life is full of white times, good times; times of family, friends, and peace, the birth of a child, the achievement of a goal. These are the times of blessing made brilliant by black. In the absence of black times, the white would not be so precious.
Black is the color of the common man. It was said that a black shirt is the one color we all own.
Grief, mourning, and death live in blackness so dark that many will not return from visiting them.
Into the black we are called. To walk with the lost sometimes leading, sometimes following, sometimes standing still. But never let us be alone.
Black has the power to move us to oneness, may we live in it together. In the black we will be real, we will be known.