Sunday, December 16, 2007

My Attempt at Mouth Juggling

This morning while at church I was enjoying a delicious piece of Mojito Mint gum. All was going well until it came to the Lord's supper. When the tray with the bread came my way I was forced to take one of two courses of action. One, spit the gum into my hand and pretend nothing was wrong while I took the bread, but this course requires both steady hands and the ability to endure the feeling of my own saliva on my hand, which I have neither, so I choose the other course. I would mouth juggle. (I know what you're thinking-he could have swallowed the gum, but Mojito Mint is hard to come by, plus it takes seven years to digest and I just don't have that kind of time.)

Mouth juggling is a tasked preformed when you have to hold both gum and another food particle in your mouth at the same time. The juggling comes into play when you start to chew. You have to use your tongue like a juggler uses his hands to keep the particles of food from coming into contact with your gum.

Not an easy task but with at little practice anyone can become efficient at it. Give it a try next time you take communion.


Amy.E said...

I, too, have encountered this little dilema on Sunday mornings. I agree that you chose the best course of action. Perhaps practicing in you spare time would make the Sunday morning event less stressful for you.

Unknown said...

I am touched by your high view of, and respect for the Body and Blood of Christ.