Friday, July 27, 2007

My New Ride

Well it's happened once again. I have found room in my life for a new car. I know what some of you are thinking. It's about time. G needed a new car. He has had his last one for such a long time. I thank you for you concern.

It's a Black (as if it could be any other color) 2002 Land Rover Freelander. And it's awesome. Best car ever. Already the little girl (Kami not Tessa) and I have been on many off road endeavors. No I have not had all four wheels off the ground, but plan to at the a.s.a.p.

Now for all you haters out there... Shut the front door.


Amy.E said...

Love it! Will your wife ride with you now? Just checked out "safe place" and am glad you are carrying on with the gospel in a nutshell! Love that!

I've been meaning to leave you a comment and tell you that I miss hearing you sing in church. Looking forward to the 12th!

Tessa said...

I'm so excited (not) to hear about your off-road adventures with my daughter on the blog instead of from your mouth! I'm sure she was only laughing because of shaken baby syndrome! You better like that darn car because that's the only one you're going to have in Denver. When we get back to Boise, we can talk.

And yes, I will ride in it. I even drive the thing. I do miss my old Land Rover, so I have a connection to Garrett's car.

The Chad said...

Dang it. I lost the bet. I said it would be 6 months before you bought a car. I should have known better.

The good news is I am still in the running for total cars owned by the Prices while living in Denver, 12.

Keep it up!


haybrofo said...

"Shut the front door" is mine! Saying stealer alert!

G said...

Some may call it stealing. I call it giving it back to the people.